When Is It Time to Call A Pest Control Company in Rocky Mount NC

When Is It Time to Call A Pest Control Company in Rocky Mount, NC?

Are you tired of sharing your home with unwanted guests? We’re talking about pests, not your in-laws! 

Living in Rocky Mount, NC, you might have encountered various critters creeping around your home. 

Whether it’s ants or spiders, cockroaches or termites, pests can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. They lead to diseases (like Zika and Salmonella), trigger allergies (we’re looking at you, cockroaches!) and can even cause structural damage to your home (a la carpenter ants and termites).

But unlike your in-laws, you don’t just have to grin and bear it. There are steps you can take to get rid of pests – and exploring your options for pest control in Rocky Mount, NC is a great place to start. 

The Most Common Pests in NC

The Most Common Pests in NC

Here are some common pests you might find here in Rocky Mount, with information on what attracts them and how to get rid of them.


Ants can be found everywhere, and Rocky Mount is no exception. 


The most obvious signs of an infestation include tiny mounds of dirt, especially in your yard or near your foundation, trails of ants leading to food sources, and small piles of sawdust, which indicate carpenter ants. 


The problem? Ants can contaminate food and, in the case of carpenter ants, cause structural damage to your home. 

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs are typically outdoor pests. Sadly, they can also become a nuisance indoors, especially during the cooler months when they seek shelter. 


You might notice clusters of black and red bugs, particularly around boxelder trees, maples, and ash trees, or bugs congregating on sunny sides of buildings. 


While not harmful, boxelder bugs can stain walls, curtains, and furniture with their excrement. They also can emit a foul odor!


Centipedes prefer dark, damp environments and are often found in basements, bathrooms, and under sinks. 


Signs of an infestation include sightings of centipedes, particularly at night, and exoskeletons left behind during molting. 


Though not typically harmful to humans, centipedes can be unsettling due to their appearance. 


Crickets are known for their chirping, which can become quite annoying, especially at night. 


You might have an infestation if you notice constant chirping sounds, especially at night, and visible crickets in basements or near light sources. Crickets can damage fabrics, paper, and plants – not to mention the fact that their incessant noise can also disrupt sleep and peace of mind.


Earwigs are commonly found in gardens but can invade homes searching for food and moisture. Sightings of earwigs, especially in damp areas like kitchens and bathrooms, and damage to plants and leaves in your garden, are the most common symptoms of an infestation.


Millipedes thrive in moist environments and can invade homes seeking shelter. Signs of an infestation include sightings of millipedes, particularly in basements and bathrooms, and dead millipedes near entry points. 


Millipedes are generally harmless but can become a nuisance in large numbers. 


Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying; they can carry diseases like West Nile Virus and Zika. Some signs of an infestation include frequent bites, especially during dawn and dusk, and standing water in your yard, which serves as breeding grounds. 


Mosquitoes bites can cause itching and allergic reactions, making outdoor activities unpleasant.


Silverfish are nocturnal pests that thrive in damp, dark environments. If you have a silverfish infestation, you’ll probably see the little buggers, particularly in bathrooms and basements, and you may also notice damage to books, wallpaper, and fabrics. 


Silverfish can cause damage to your belongings, including books, wallpaper, and clothing. Their presence can also indicate a moisture problem.


Spiders can be beneficial by controlling other pests but can become a problem when they invade your home. The most common signs of an infestation include frequent sightings of spiders and spider webs, and egg sacs in hidden corners. 


Wasps can be aggressive and pose a threat, especially if you’re allergic to their stings. The most common signs of an infestation include visible nests, particularly under eaves and in trees, and increased activity around your home. 


Wasp stings can be painful and, in some cases, dangerous. Their nests can be difficult to remove without professional help.

When to Call Professional Pest Control

When to Call Professional Pest Control

Identifying pests is just the first step. But sometimes, you might encounter pests that you can’t identify. Unknown pests can be just as problematic as the ones you can identify, so it’s key to getting them checked out by a professional.

Choosing professional pest control offers several advantages over DIY methods. Professionals have the training and experience to identify and treat various pests effectively. 

Professional pest control doesn’t just address the current problem – it also provides long-term prevention.

Living in Rocky Mount, NC, means dealing with a variety of pests. From ants to wasps, these critters can cause significant problems in your home. 

If you’re facing a pest problem, don’t wait. Contact Martin Exterminating today for reliable and effective pest control Rocky Mount NC residents need. 

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